TAPA is a 7-12 public charter school for students in the city of Providence with a passion for the performing arts.
How to Apply to TAPAApplications to TAPA and other RI state charter schools are submitted through EnrollRI, the Rhode Island Department of Education's common application system. If you missed the deadline to apply through EnrollRI, you can submit a post-lottery application through EnrollRI once the system opens up again on April 16th. Post-lottery applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be added to the waitlist.
THE RESULTS OF THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR LOTTERY ARE NOW AVAILABLE. Applicant families will be notified of the results and their child's admissions status via email and text the first week of April. If you have been offered a seat at TAPA, you will have 15 calendar days (including weekends) from the date of notification to accept or decline the offer. Offers not accepted within 15 calendar days will be automatically declined and offered to the next family on the waitlist. Please contact the Admissions Office if you have not received your results. Families may also log onto the EnrollRI platform on April 16th to access the lottery results for each school they applied to, including TAPA. Please note: EnrollRI encourages all families to accept ONE choice, even if multiple schools offer seats. If you run into any trouble accessing your EnrollRI account, you can reach out to [email protected] for support. ACCEPTED FAMILIES WILL BE ASKED TO COMPLETE AN ENROLLMENT PACKET AND PROVIDE SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (listed below) TO COMPLETE THEIR STUDENT'S REGISTRATION TO TAPA FOR THE 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR. The following supporting documents must accompany the required enrollment forms in order for the student's packet to be considered complete and to be registered for the upcoming year.
IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE AN OFFER AT THIS TIME AND YOUR CHILD HAS BEEN PLACED ON A WAITLIST: If you would like your child to remain on the TAPA waitlist, no further action needs to be taken at this time. If you would like to remove your student's name from the waitlist, please contact the Admissions Office. The waitlist will remain active for the entirety of the 2024-2025 school year. If and when a seat becomes available, TAPA will contact the next family on the waitlist according to waitlist order. Please make sure to update the Admissions Office if your contact information changes. Waitlist families are welcome to contact the Admissions Office to check on the status of their student's application throughout the year. FOR QUESTIONS OR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ADMISSIONS, WAITLISTS OR THE ENROLLMENT PROCESS, CONTACT: Zuleika Vidal, Admissions Coordinator (401) 644-7657 [email protected] TAPA es una escuela pública charter de grados 7-12 para estudiantes de la ciudad de Providence con pasión por las artes escénicas.TAPA é uma escola pública charter do 7º ao 12º ano para alunos da cidade de Providence apaixonados por artes cênicas.
¿Está solicitando para un hermano(a) de un estudiante actual de TAPA?
Haga clic aquí para más información Você está se inscrevendo para admissão de irmão de um aluno atual da TAPA?
Clique aqui para mais informações |
Has your living situation changed? Experiencing loss of housing, homelessness? Doubling up with family or friends due to lack of housing? Need support? There's help - contact Zuleika Vidal for more information, 644-7657.
McKinney-Vento Flyer RIDE - Information about McKinney-Vento Act ¿Ha cambiado su situación de vivienda? ¿Experimentando pérdida de vivienda, falta de vivienda? ¿Hospedándose con familiares o amigos por falta de vivienda? ¿Necesita apoyo? Hay ayuda - contacta a Zuleika Vidal para más información, 644-7657. Volante Sobre McKinney-Vento Información sobre McKinney-Vento Act en RIDE |
Admissions information/applications for upcoming school year available NOVEMBER 14 |
MARCH 2024
Admissions Application Deadline March 14 at 5pm |
APRIL 2024
Admissions Lottery April 1 Applicant families notified of results week of Lottery Results available through EnrollRI April 16 Accepted families complete enrollment paperwork |
Are you applying for a sibling of a current TAPA student?
¿Está solicitando para un hermano(a) de un estudiante actual de TAPA?